Episode Description:


Welcome to the Forge Ahead podcast! For this episode, we are joined by Jacquelyn J. Core, Partner at The Lynch Law Group, to discuss the legal considerations businesses face because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Visit our YouTube channel to watch the video of the podcast. Thanks for tuning in!


Guest Bio:


Jacquelyn J. Core, JD, PhD

Jacquelyn is a member of the Corporate Practice Group at The Lynch Law Group. She advises clients, ranging from family-owned and middle-market businesses to Fortune 500 companies, in a broad spectrum of matters, including transactional (mergers and acquisitions, reorganizations, and private equity deals) to contractual restructurings and reviews.

Her extensive C suite experience, most recently as a CEO, provides a value-added benefit to her clients from the insight she derives from applying a real-world, business operations perspective to practical, strategic legal advice. In addition, Jacquelyn’s experience as a seasoned litigator with extensive, successful courtroom experience, provides an added benefit to her corporate clients in potential corporate litigation, contract disputes, and risk assessments.

Jacquelyn also chairs the Firm’s Education Practice Group.


Show Notes:


1:02 – Our host, Frank Vitale, introduces Jacquelyn Core.

3:00 –  Jacquelyn discusses her professional background, the Lynch Law Group, and the clients her firm serves.

13:22 – Frank presents national data regarding the progression of the pandemic.

18:45 – Jacquelyn provides a high-level perspective of the pandemic’s impact on businesses.

22:49 – Frank and Jacquelyn discuss how the pandemic has disrupted the educational services industry.

32:51 – Jacquelyn talks about the legal issues businesses are facing during the pandemic.

45:10 – Frank and Jacquelyn talk about the importance of strategy, goal setting, and pivoting for organizations.

59:08- Jacquelyn provides her final thoughts and Frank closes the episode.



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