Forge Announces Vice President & Senior Strategist
MORGANTOWN, W.V. – Forge Business Solutions is proud to announce Glenn Copen as Vice President and Senior Strategist, bringing more than 35 years of experience in project management, strategic planning, and executive management to the company. As Vice President...
Forge Business Solutions Earns Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ Designation from the National Veteran Owned Business Association
MORGANTOWN, W.V. – Forge Business Solutions is proud to announce it’s the first business in West Virginia to earn the exclusive designation as a Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise™ (VBE) from the National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA)....
How is Workplace Culture Affecting your Business?
The concept of workplace culture encompasses various facets of an organization: perceived norms, reinforced behaviors, relationships, dynamics, and attitudes. The tone and pace of a workplace can be shaped deliberately or accidentally – leaders of an organization have...
Senior Strategist Joins Forge Business Solutions
SENIOR STRATEGIST JOINS FORGE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Corine Alexander will provide government and commercial contract development services for the company’s diverse clientele. MORGANTOWN, W.V. – Forge Business Solutions is proud to announce and welcome Corine...
Where Does Your Company Stand in the Business Life Cycle?
Taking a business from concept through creation and making it a successful operation doesn’t happen by accident. It takes careful planning and deliberate action through every phase of the business life cycle. Each phase sees different needs and shifts a company’s focus from one thing to another. Knowing where you are in the business life cycle – development, start-up, growth, expansion, or maturity – will help you develop a strategy for success.